
The Eid Banquet is an annual celebration in the Fall that commemorates Abraham’s sacrifice during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha and celebrates the diversity of the Yale community.  To see photos of years past, please click here.
Halaqas (Study Circles) are offered weekly on Mondays at 8:00 pm in the Musalla.  These Islamic study circles cover various topics including: applied theology (iman), Prophetic biography (sira), Islamic history (tarikh), practical jurisprudence (fiqh), and spiritual cultivation (ihsan). Halaqas are...
The Ivy Muslims Conference (IMC) was conceptualized by Lisa Kinney-Bajwa and Omer Bajwa during their days at Cornell University.  The idea was to bring together Muslim students to engage and discuss their intellectual and spiritual lives.  Unfortunately, Cornell’s remote location proved...
Jummah (Friday) Prayers are conducted weekly on campus, throughout the academic year, in Dwight Chapel at 1:00 pm. Campus Jummah runs from late-August (Orientation) to late-May (Commencement). Khutbas (sermons) are given by a wide variety of people including students, faculty, guest Muslim...
Ramadan 2024 Fasting in Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.  Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar, is one of the most sacred times of the year for Muslims.  During Ramadan, Muslims observe a strict fast, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations, from dawn until...
The “Umrah Fund” was established in 2012 with an extraordinary donation by Ahmed Khattak ’09.  The purpose is to fundraise to sponsor and offer Yale Muslim undergraduates the extraordinary opportunity to participate in the  ICNYU Umrah Trip.  Yale’s own “Director for Muslim Life,” Imam Omer Bajwa,...