Muslim Students Association
The Muslim Students Association (MSA) provides Yale students with the opportunity to come together in a supportive Muslim environment and seeks to educate and raise awareness about Islam in the Yale and New Haven communities. All students and community members are welcome to MSA activities and events. We recognize that students come from different backgrounds and are at varied levels in their own faith, and we welcome all.
Instagram: @yalemsa
Yale Black Muslims (YBM)
The goal of the Yale Black Muslims (YBM) is to establish an affinity space that welcomes and celebrates the intersections between Black and Muslim identities. We hope to create a comfortable environment for Black Muslims at Yale in which we can engage in discussion about issues and topics that are pertinent to us. We also wish to further educate the Yale community by enlightening Black Muslims about their rich culture and history, while simultaneously exposing interested Yalies to the impact and prevalence of Black Muslims in society. In addition to facilitating social activities at Yale, we also plan to invite knowledgeable speakers to catalyze academic discourse and provide additional insights towards the experience of being Black and Muslim. We also hope to interact with other collegiate Muslim communities within New Haven and facilitate community service initiatives. As the group grows, we aim to broaden our impact on the Yale and New Haven community at large.
Instagram: @yalebmsa
Yale Grad MSA
The Yale Graduate Muslim Students Association (GradMSA) provides, those who are affiliated with the University in a post-undergraduate capacity, a space to connect with other Muslim-identifying people on campus. The GradMSA is committed ot fostering a sense of commuity across the University’s many graduate and professional schools, including postdoctoral fellows, affiliates, and spouses. The GradMSA also works in close collaboration with other groups, including undergraduate students and New Haven community members, to cater to the social and spiritual needs of the Muslim community.
Instagram: @yalegradmsa
Muslim Law Students’ Association (MLSA)
The Muslim Law Students’ Association (MLSA) is a student-run organization that serves Muslim law students at Yale Law School through community-building, event-organizing, and raising awareness around pertinent issues affecting Muslims at Yale, in New Haven, and in Connecticut.
Instagram: @yale_mlsa
Yale Muslims in Medicine (YMIM)
Yale Muslims in Medicine (YMIM) serves to create a community for Muslims at the Yale School of Medicine to share their faith and to discuss the intersection of Islam and the practice of medicine. We host a number of events, incorporating students from across Yale’s campus as well as residents, faculty, and researchers from Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNHH).
Contact: Josef Alavi