Prayer Spaces

  • Evans Hall

    Enter the main doors of Evans Hall and turn left.  Walk down the hallway, pass the Café and take either the elevator or stairs down to the lower…

  • Hospital Chapel

    Yale New-Haven Hospital (YNHH) has a multi-faith Chapel that is accessible 24/7.  It is located to the left of the hospital atrium and is available…

  • Medical Library

    The Yale Medical School (YMS) Library has a “Wellness & Self-Care” room that is accessible for daily prayers. Enter the main doors of the Rotunda… 

  • Musalla

    The Musalla is Yale’s dedicated Muslim prayer space for the main campus. It is located in the basement of Bingham Hall, Room 012. The room is…

  • School of Public Health

    The Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) has a “wellness” room that is accessible for daily prayers. 

    Enter the main doors of the Epidemiology…