
yale musalla

The Musalla is Yale’s dedicated Muslim prayer space for the main campus. It is located in the basement of Bingham Hall, Room 012. The room is normally accessible 24/7 with swipe access and a key. 

Summer Hours: The Musalla will be unlocked Monday - Friday from 9 am - 5 pm. Outside of those times, it is accessible with a Musalla key.

To obtain a Musalla key for Yale ID holders, please visit Tammie McKenzie <> in Breathing Space, which is located in Entryway C of Welch Hall on Old Campus and is open Monday - Friday from 9 am - 5 pm.

Come through Welch’s Entryway C, go downstairs and enter Breathing Space. Once inside, turn left and look for Tammie’s office. Ask her for a Musalla key and then you’ll fill out a quick form and pay a $10 deposit for your new Musalla key!

If you’re driving, it’s easiest to park around Phelps Gate at 344 College Street; there is metered street parking in downtown New Haven.  Then enter through Phelps Gate, turn immediately LEFT, and walk ~100 meters to Bingham Hall.  Enter through Entryway D and come downstairs by following the signs to the Chaplain’s Office, which is at the bottom of the stairs.  The Musalla is at the end of that hallway.

yale musalla map