Jummah (Friday) Prayers are conducted weekly on campus, throughout the academic year, in Dwight Chapel at 1:00 pm. Campus Jummah runs from late-August (Orientation) to late-May (Commencement). Khutbas (sermons) are given by a wide variety of people including students, faculty, guest Muslim chaplains, and Islamic scholars. Click here to see some Khutbas by Chaplain Omer Bajwa. Everyone is welcome to attend! Please contact the Director of Muslim Life, Omer Bajwa, for more information. During recess, we encourage our community to pray off-campus at local mosques, such as Masjid al-Islam which starts Jummah at 1:15 pm.
Parking: Metered street parking is available by Phelps Gate, the red stone archway at 300 College Street, between Chapel and Elm streets indicated on the map as Phelps Hall. You can also park on Chapel Street or High Street; however, this is more limited parking.