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Muslim Life at Yale

Salaam! السَلامُ عَلَيكُم Al-salāmuʿalaykum!

Muslim Life at Yale operates under the auspices of the Yale Chaplain’s Office. We are located in the heart of the University on Old Campus.  We aspire to provide spaces and opportunities that nurture the mind, body and spirit.  Our campus Muslim community strives to offer wholesome, inclusive and nurturing experiences of religious learning, practice and engagement.  Our events address classical and contemporary themes at the intersections of where our participants live, work, imagine, and relax.  From engaging social activities and worship opportunities to enriching lectures and thoughtful discussions, Yale is a place that can inspire spiritual growth while nurturing the life of the mind.  Muslims and non-Muslims, undergraduate, graduate and professional students, staff and faculty are all welcome.  Come be a part of the vibrant Muslim community at Yale!

Yale Eid Prayer